Available Guards

Token Gate


The Token Gate guard restricts minting to token holders of a configured mint account. If the payer does not have the required amount of tokens, minting will fail.

Candy Machine

Owner: Candy Machine Core Program

Candy Guard

Owner: Candy Guard Program

Token Gate
- Amount
- Token Mint

Mint Account

Owner: Token Program

Mint from

Candy Guard Program

Access Control

Mint from

Candy Machine Program

Mint Logic


Guard Settings

The Token Gate guard contains the following settings:

  • Amount: The number of tokens required.
  • Mint: The address of the mint account defining the SPL Token we want to gate with.

Set up a Candy Machine using the Token Gate guard

create(umi, {
  // ...
  guards: {
    tokenGate: some({
      amount: 300,
      mint: tokenMint.publicKey,

API References: create, TokenGate

Mint Settings

The Token Gate guard contains the following Mint Settings:

  • Mint: The address of the mint account defining the SPL Token we want to gate with.

Note that, if you’re planning on constructing instructions without the help of our SDKs, you will need to provide these Mint Settings and more as a combination of instruction arguments and remaining accounts. See the Candy Guard’s program documentation for more details.

Mint with the Token Gate Guard

You may pass the Mint Settings of the Token Gate guard using the mintArgs argument like so.

mintV2(umi, {
  // ...
  mintArgs: {
    tokenGate: some({ mint: tokenMint.publicKey }),

API References: mintV2, TokenGateMintArgs

Route Instruction

The Token Gate guard does not support the route instruction.

Token Burn